Welcome to the Association of Independent Celebrants

The Association of Independent Celebrants (AOIC) is a vibrant and forward-thinking Trade Association for professional celebrants across the UK.

As the registered trade association for celebrants, our objective is to provide our members with the support and resources they need in order to create truly special ceremonies for every one of their clients. This includes offering a huge number of membership benefits to all celebrant members, along with assistance for newly trained celebrants for as long as they feel they need it.

Find out more

Independent celebrant and AOIC member Jenny Edwards conducting an outdoor wedding

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Benefits of Membership

We offer celebrants a comprehensive package of membership benefits, including:

Support & CPD

We provide our members with the support and CPD resources they need to be the most professional celebrants in the UK and overseas.


All members are covered by the AOIC's public liability and professional indemnity insurance for all their celebrant-related work.


Every member has a comprehensive listing on our website, placed under every county or country in which they are prepared to work.

Perks & Discounts

Via our links with Aura Funerals, Guides for Brides and more, members receive priority bookings and discounts on a range of services.

Well-chosen words, thoughtfully spoken

Our code of practice means that the AOIC is home to some of the most competent and highly skilled celebrants in the business. Members can be sure of as much support and guidance as they need throughout their career. While couples and families can be assured of a truly beautiful ceremony delivered with professional service.

Supporting you on your celebrant journey

The AOIC is an entirely not-for-profit organisation, meaning that 100% of our membership fees are invested for the benefit of members.

We are here to support our members throughout the whole of their celebrant career and warmly welcome new members at all times. We are also pleased to offer a discounted rate to all new members for their first year with us.

Our Ceremonies

Our members perform a wide range of ceremonies, working with couples and families to plan a meaningful occasion whatever milestone they are marking. Below are some of the most popular ceremonies we conduct.

Wedding Law Reform

The AOIC eagerly awaits the Government's response to the Law Commission recommendations for wedding law reform. We hope this will pave the way towards legally recognising celebrant-led weddings. Below is a selection AOIC news articles relating to wedding law reform.

View all posts on wedding law reform

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